Ways to Give

in person In person: our collective worship usually includes an offering. This is a corporate expression of the giving of ourselves and all that we have to the Lord.

If you have a gift aid certificate, there are numbered envelopes available to help identify your giving

Through the bank: use a standing order to instruct your bank to send the church a fixed payment on a regular date, or use your online banking to make payments as you are able. Contact the treasurer here for the necessary details; please forgive us for not directly publishing this information!
Online: Go to https://www.stewardship.org.uk/partners/20193550 opens in new window to make single or regular donations, or if you already have a Stewardship online account, search for Knaphill Baptist. Your gift this way can be anonymous or identified.

Give as you LiveIf you shop online, Give as you Live works with more than 4,000 top retailers including Amazon, John Lewis and Expedia to turn a percentage of every penny you spend online into a donation to us. So everything from clothes shopping to your weekly supermarket shop to booking your summer holiday – all these things can earn us money without any extra cost to you! Each time you shop online at supported retailers a commission is paid to Give as you Live by the retailers, which Give as you Live shares with us.

Create an account at GiveAsYouLive.com opens in new window and search for Knaphill Baptist as your supported cause.

By Post: You can write to the treasurer @ 88 High Street, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey, GU21 2PZ. 

Gift Aid


What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a scheme by which the Government will add around 25p to every pound you give. It applies to all giving, whether your regular offering, or for a special one-off gift.

There are just two conditions:

  • You must pay enough tax on income or capital gains to cover the Government’s contribution. VAT or other taxes do not count!
  • You must complete a Gift Aid Declaration form and return it the treasurer. You will then be allocated a Gift Aid Number.
    Download one here.opens in new window

What else should I do?

In order to keep the Inland Revenue satisfied that we are entitled to claim back tax, we have to track your payments. If you give loose cash in the offering, please make sure it is in an envelope with your Gift Aid number clearly marked.

If you give online through Give.net or stewardship, each will automatically ask you for a Gift aid declaration and will add the tax to your gift before it comes to the church.

More important information about Gift Aid

  • You must let us know about any change of name or address
  • If your circumstances change you can cancel your Gift Aid Declaration at any time, by you must let us know. We will cancel your declaration from the date you tell us.
  • If you pay higher rate tax, you can claim further tax relief in your Self-Assessment return – you may wish to pass this one to a good cause!
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